Utility – XML

Utility – XML


VBO for XML processing designed for Blue Prism. Allows to read nodes using XPath, id or tag, convert XML to collection and back.

One license key for all Active Directory users.



Utility for Extensible Markup Language (XML) operations.

The runmode of this business object is “background”

1.1 Collection to Xml

Converts a Collection to Xml text.
Optional parameter Write Mode:
0 = WriteSchema: Writes the current contents of the Collection as XML data with the relational structure as inline XSD schema.
1 = IgnoreSchema: Writes the current contents of the Collection as XML data, without an XSD schema.
2 = DiffGram: Writes the entire Collection as a DiffGram, including original and current values.
For more info about the Write Mode visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/pl-pl/dotnet/api/system.data.xmlwritemode
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Collection In Collection Source collection
Write Mode In Number Optional. 0 = WriteSchema (Default), 1 = IgnoreSchema, 2 = DiffGram
Xml Out Text Xml text from the Collection

1.2 Get Element By Id

Gets an element of the given Id.
The Xml document must contain a valid Document Type Definition (DTD) with the description of Id attribute. Otherwise the action will return empty results.
ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens (“-“), underscores (“_”), colons (“:”), and periods (“.”).
Xml with DTD example:
< !DOCTYPE catalog[
    <book id=”bk101″>
        <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
    <book id=”bk102″>
        <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Xml In Text Source Xml
Element Id In Text Id of the element
Name Out Text Name of the element
Value Out Text Value of the element
Inner Xml Out Text Inner Xml
Outer Xml Out Text Outer Xml

1.3 Get Elements By Tag Name

Gets a collection of elements for a given tag name.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Xml In Text Source Xml
Tag Name In Text A tag name to search
Collection Out Collection Elements

1.4 Get Elements By Xpath

Gets a collection of elements for a given XPath query.
Example XPath to query an element of id = A123:
“//*[@id = ‘A123’]”
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Xml In Text Source Xml
XPath In Text XML Path Language query
Collection Out Collection Elements

1.5 Validate Xml

Validates the Xml text.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Xml In Text Source Xml
Success Out Flag Validation result
Error Message Out Text Error message

1.6 Xml To Collection

Converts Xml text to a Collection.
Optional parameter Read Mode:
0 = Auto: Default.
1 = ReadSchema: Reads any inline schema and loads the data.
2 = IgnoreSchema: Ignores any inline schema and reads data into the existing System.Data.DataSet schema.
3 = InferSchema: Ignores any inline schema, infers schema from the data and loads the data.
4 = DiffGram: Reads a DiffGram, applying changes from the DiffGram to the System.Data.DataSet.
5 = Fragment: Reads XML fragments, such as those generated by executing FOR XML queries, against an instance of SQL Server.
6 = InferTypedSchema: Ignores any inline schema, infers a strongly typed schema from the data, and loads the data.
For more info about Read Mode please visit:
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Xml In Text Source Xml
Read Mode In Number Optional. 0 = Auto (Default), 1 = ReadSchema, 2 = IgnoreSchema, 3 = InferSchema, 4 = DiffGram, 5 = Fragment, 6 = InferTypedSchema
Collection Out Collection Result collection